本帖最后由 石秀 于 2021-2-7 18:49 编辑
游子(现代诗) 文/石秀 2021/1/10 周日
故乡, 是年轻时急于逃离的囚笼, 老了却怀念久违的乡音和浑酒。
故交, 是一串长在梦里的红豆, 醒来时倏忽不见却总是萦绕心头。
思念, 是一根永远燃不尽的香, 熏得你胸口堵塞鼻子酸涩心里泪流。
月亮, 是游弋在云海里的诺亚方舟, 可以寄放任何旧梦、忧思和乡愁。
To A Wanderer byShi Xiu Jan.12,2021 Hometown is a prisoner 's cage to escape from in your youth. But you’ll miss long-lost local accent and muddy wine if you’re old.
Old friends are a string of red beans growing in a dream Which disappear from eyes but move to heart when you wake.
Missing is an incense burning all your life Which often makes your chest blocked, nose sour and heart sob.
The moon is Noah's Ark swimming in the sea of clouds, Where you can put old dreams, melancholy and nostalgia.